
The Facts About Trenchless Water and Sewer Line Repair

Trenchless Sewer Repairs in Michigan

With a Trenchless Repair Only a Small Access Hole Needs To Be Excavated… Instead Of The Entire Pipe.

Trenchless sewer repair isn’t new… It’s actually been around for a few decades but the technology of today is light years ahead of what we were using 20 years ago.  Before the trenchless method of sewer repair was introduced sewer and water lines needed to be excavated in order to be replaced or repaired.  This can be a costly endeavor when you factor in landscaping, driveways, sidewalks, decks, patios and other obstructions that might be over top the existing lines on your property.

How Much Digging Does The Trenchless Pipe Repair Method Require?

That depends on where the problem pipes are.  If the problem you’re having is a with a vertical water line in your commercial building for example then there is no digging required at all!  We’ll be able to access the line from the roof of the building.  If the problem is located in the piping between the municipal sewer or water line to your home or building then we usually have to dig two small holes at either end often 4 foot x 4 foot across.

These small entry points give us sufficient room to access the old pipe joints and to get the machinery in place for whichever method of trenchless repair we proceed with.  This is a lot more economical than having to rebuild your driveway or sidewalk or even a deck or patio after an excavator or backhoe has ripped it all up.

Do All Plumbers Offer Trenchless Sewer Repairs?

They’d like to!  But the real answer is no.  This is a very specialized area of pipe repair that not every ticketed plumber has experience with.  Not only that, but the equipment required for trenchless repair projects such as inspection cameras, hydrojetting equipment, the powerful winches, pumps and other machinery required is an extremely expensive investment that not every company wants to make.

Most plumbers are sub-contracting their trenchless sewer repairs out to other companies.  When you choose to work with 1 Day Trenchless Sewer Repairs for your trenchless pipe repairs you are cutting out the middleman and working directly with the contractor who owns the trenchless equipment that will be working on your project.

More Advantages To Trenchless Sewer Repairs

Trenchless sewer and water line repairs are usually billed per foot of pipe repair.  The shorter the pipe run, the more expensive per foot the repair is.  In contrast to an excavation company who will be billing you by the hour that their machine sits on your property, making a giant mess!

  • Preserve Existing Landscaping
  • Save Your Driveway or Parking Spaces
  • Very Small Property Impact
  • Completed in Hours not Days

There are  different types of trenchless repair options depending on the size (diameter and length) of the pipe that needs to be repaired along with what type of liquid will flow through the pipe.  In most residential situations we’ll try and repair your line using the following methods.

  • Pipe Slip Lining
  • CIPP (Cured In Place Pipe)
  • Pipe Bursting Methods

Pipe Lining Repairs

This is generally the easiest method and one of the first options we’ll consider if the camera inspection shows that the walls of your host pipe are still relatively smooth and in good condition.  We can pull through a new, smaller diameter replacement pipe and then re-plumb it into your home, building or municipal lines.  This is a method most suited for buildings that have many water or sewer lines that will need to be repaired such as older commercial or industrial buildings.

CIPP (Cured In Place Pipe)

If the condition of your pipe is badly damaged, corroded or not in good enough condition for a slip line repair then cured in place pipe is another excellent solution.  Available for a wide variety of pipe diameters from as small as 2″-10″ for most residential situations to as large as 24″ or more for large commercial, industrial or municipal systems.  With the CIPP method of repair we can pull a resin soaked liner through your existing pipe (or what is left of it).  We then fill the liner with either water or air and let the pipe “cure” in place.  The result is a fiberglass or resin based replacement pipe that is strong, resists corrosion and will provide many years of trouble free use.

Pipe Bursting Methods

One of the clear disadvantages to the other two methods above is that you end up with a slightly smaller pipe than originally intended (it has to fit through the existing line remember).  The pipe bursting method of repair aleviates that.  Using an extremely powerful winch we pull a special bursting head through your line.  This breaks up and compacts the old pipe material, be it clay, orangeburg or corroded steel and iron.  Pulled neatly behind and tucked into place is the new replacement pipe that can be same diameter as the pipe it’s replacing.

Who Offers Trenchless Sewer Repairs in Michigan?

1 Day Trenchless Sewer Repairs is a full service “no dig” sewer and water line repair contractor with repair teams available throughout Michigan.  We specialize in all three methods of trenchless sewer and water line repairs including Slip Lining, CIPP and Pipe Bursting.  Residential, commercial, industrial or municipal projects our trucks and specialized technicians are ready to tackle your most complex pipe rehabilitation projects.

Trenchless Sewer Repair Estimates

How Much Does Trenchless Sewer Repair Cost Per Foot in Michigan?

How Much Does Trenchless Sewer Repair Cost in Michigan.

This Trenchless Repair Project Fixed 75 Feet of Pipe. A New “Y” Was Needed As Well.

If you’re on this website it’s probably because you’ve just been told that you will need an expensive excavation or even partial demolition of your building or property to repair your failing water or sewer lines?  Maybe you’re a building manager or a municipal manager who already knows the cost effective solution they need is trenchless repair but you’re just trying to find a rough idea on what it should cost?

1 Day Trenchless Sewer Repairs is a full service trenchless pipe repair contractor based out of Michigan.  We specialize in all methods of trenchless pipe repair including CIPP (cured in place pipe), Slip Lining and Pipe Bursting methods.

So How Much Will It Cost For My Trenchless Sewer or Water Line Repair in Michigan?

Without knowing what the problem with your lines are we can’t give you any type of price we’d feel confident in standing behind.  There are just too many variables at play when it comes to piping that is buried underground or contained within the walls of a building.

The initial camera inspection by one of our expert trenchless pipe repair technicians will likely take an hour or two of our time using sophisticated camera and measuring equipment and will bring about a cost of $300-$500 for the initial inspection.  If we decide to proceed with a trenchless repair after that (with your permission) we can credit the inspection fee to the price of the project.

Trenchless Sewer Repair is Billed By The Foot

Typically trenchless repairs will cost anywhere from $60 – $300+ per foot.  This depends entirely on the diameter of pipe being repaired, the overall length, any curves or complex joints that will need to be navigated and finally the materials being used.  With respect to the materials we use there are different liners for different types of pipe and the liquids those pipes may carry.  It’s safe to assume that a trenchless sewer repair 30′ long of 6″ or less diameter pipe is going to be less expensive than relining a 12″ municipal line.

Ease Of Access Helps Determine Trenchless Repair Costs

Do you have a property that is difficult to access?  Are we going to be able to easily get our inspection equipment in place?  Do your sewer or water lines run underneath landscaping, driveways, sidewalks or other sensitive areas of your property?  The difficulty for our technicians to gain access to the problem area of your underground piping will also help determine the overall cost of the project.  Ideally the day of repairs arrangements can be made to move vehicles or other objects that might be in our way.

What Is The Typical Cost Of Trenchless Sewer Repair

Again, this is almost impossible to say without first inspecting the specific project.  To give you a rough idea most homeowners can expect to pay anywhere from $4000 – $20,000+ for trenchless sewer repair methods.  This might seem like a lot but it pales in comparison to the cost of excavations but again, the specific property and layout will determine this.  If you have a commercial, industrial or municipal trenchless repair project then you could be looking at much higher costs ($10,000 – $100,000+) depending on how much pipe needs to be rehabilitated and where.

Why Choose 1 Day Trenchless Sewer Repairs

After our technicians have diagnosed your problem and come up with a solution we believe will be a permanent fix for your problem we’ll provide you with a written estimate.  Our estimates are detailed and will include everything that we will be doing to repair your piping.  We guarantee the work we do and offer a warranty as well.

Trenchless Sewer Repair Estimates

3 Common Pipe Failures That Can Be Fixed Using Trenchless Repairs

Trenchless Sewer and Drain Repairs in Michigan.

The municipal plumbing and water lines throughout our cities in Michigan are aging and in some areas already deteriorating.  We’re putting in more sewer and water lines through new construction then what we maintain of already existing lines.  This has caused a situation where sewer and water lines are beginning to fail at alarming rates.  From tree roots infiltrating the systems, to the shifting earth as it freezes and thaws to pipe corrosion and eventual collapse.  There are a wide variety of problems facing the plumbing systems in Michigan today.

#1.  Municipal Sewer and Water Line Repairs

As home and business owners we all know it’s our responsibility to maintain the sewer and water lines from our home or building to the municipal line.  If it breaks or needs repair it’s our responsibility, not the city or township.  But what do you do if the municipal line is the problem?  Well, it’s happening all across America, not just in Michigan.  The aging infrastructure that in some cases was put underground over 75 years ago was never intended to last forever and now is beginning to show it’s age.

Municipalities, especially those in smaller towns do not have the funding required to purchased the equipment necessary to complete trenchless pipe repairs. 1 Day Trenchless Sewer Repairs aims to bridge that gap by helping municipalities rehabilitate their existing piping systems. We have the equipment to complete any size of municipal trenchless sewer or water line repair.

C.I.P.P. (Cured in Place Pipe) is generally accepted as the best method of repair for failing municipal sewer or water lines.  Liners can be installed from 2″ in diameter all the way up to 24″ in diameter or larger and are available in virtually any length.  A variety of liners and resin materials for curing the pipe in place are available depending on what type of liquids the pipe will have flowing through it.

#2.  Corroded or Collapsed Sewer and Water Lines

Sewer lines many years ago were made with materials like lead, cast iron, clay and orangeburg.  Lead pipes were soft so naturally could be prone to collapse, cast iron pipes are very solid but after many years underground in corrosive conditions the iron will break down, form rust and weaken the integrity of the pipe.  Clay and orangeburg are known to collapse during heavy freeze and thaw cycles where the ground is moving and the pipe is not designed for that so it cracks, breaks and collapses under the stress.

Collapse of a sewer line used to be an incredibly expensive problem to fix and would require extensive excavation of a property to find and fix the collapse.  Today, with CCTV (closed circuit TV cameras) we can quickly get an inside, up close view of the collapsed areas of your sewer line.

Pipe Bursting or Slip Lining are both generally accepted methods of repairing collapsed or corroded sewer and water lines.  The slip lining method would be preferable when working with cast iron pipeing that is still in relatively good condition.  You can imagine how hard it would be to actually “burst” the cast iron pipe with a bursting head unless it was severely corroded.  However when working with aging pipes made from clay, orangeburg or even plastic it’s much more cost effective to use the pipe bursting method of pipe repair.

With the Pipe Bursting method of repair we will actually be breaking up the old material of the existing pipe to make room for the brand new pipe we’ll be pulling behind the bursting head.

#3.  Corrosion in Vertical Water Lines Inside Buildings

Commercial, industrial and institutional buildings literally have miles and miles of water lines running through their buildings.  With some of the buildings in Ohio being built well over 30 or 40 years ago it’s caused a situation where water lines have begun to corrode and fail in record numbers.  When you have a water line rupture or leak inside of a commercial building the results can be devastatingly expensive for the person who’s paying the bills.

Slip Lining or CIPP (cured in place pipe) are both suitable methods of repair when dealing with heavily corroded vertical or horizontal water lines.  Slip Lining would be the preferred method of repair followed by CIPP if the host pipe (existing pipe) was not suitable to be slip lined.

Trenchless Sewer Repair Estimates